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5 Common Complaints About a Rebrand

One thing you can count on with a rebrand – not everyone is going to be happy. And it’s only human nature that the more negative comments and criticism are the loudest voices. Don’t ignore them but don’t overreact. Try to understand what’s behind their concerns. Consider it an opportunity to tell your story and respond in an intelligent, positive, and productive way.

1. Why Was It Necessary to Change?

Nothing is forever. Even brands. Evolutionary change to a brand is not just necessary. It is essential. Critics of a rebrand that voice their doubts about the wisdom for change may be forgetting that people’s expectations change. The market changes. And competitors change. But it is not about change for change sake. It has to be purposeful. Keeping the brand relevant and meaningful is what will keep customers loyal and staff engaged.

2. I Don’t Like The New Logo Design

Regardless of how “great” the design of a new rebranded logo is, there will always be critics who just simply don’t like it. And some of those critics are likely going to be within the organization. But a lot of those critics won’t, or can’t, tell you why. It may be that it doesn’t align with their own personal aesthetic. There’s no ownership in the process. Or just a gut feeling. That is not to say that some criticism is valid. But at some point, a decision has to be made. And that comes with the understanding that some criticism will follow.

3. Doesn’t This Look Like . . .

One of the reasons often given as part of “I don’t like it” commentary is that the new logo design looks like something or someone else. Here’s the thing. That’s probably true. It’s because the demand for branding is at an all-time high.

In the US alone there are an average of over 30,000 new products launched every year. But that pales to the number of new businesses. According to the US Census Bureau, there are about 4.4 million new businesses started each year.

They all need names, logos, slogans, and other branding elements. And that, of course, is just in the US. The chances that your rebrand may unintentionally look like something similar is extremely high. But that doesn’t inherently make it bad. It is just a reality. It is context that matters. Category distinction, brand and marketing strategy, brand character, amongst other branding elements are what will set it apart.

4. We Have Lost All Our Recognition

Brand recognition and awareness are hard-earned. It is only natural that critics would be concerned about losing any of that as a result of a rebrand. But customers today are accustomed to brand change. Many products change and are updated every year, if not more frequently. But you don’t want to rebrand at that pace. 7 – 10 years is about the average for a rebrand. Customers expect change. They understand that brands, like everything else, need to be kept current. A rebrand change doesn’t necessarily mean that you sacrifice long-established recognition. In fact, it’s an opportunity to re-energize the brand and create more attention leading to greater recognition. Not less.

5. Seems Like a Lot of Money for a Logo Change

If you are paying a few hundred dollars or even a thousand dollars for a new logo you are paying too much. That’s because a thousand dollars won’t get you a legitimate rebrand. It’s a waste of a thousand dollars. A rebrand is much more than a change in a logo design. And that costs thousands – not just a thousand dollars. The logo cost has to be put into the context of what a rebrand entails. It’s the research, competitive audits, trend analysis, marketing plan, strategy, design process, system build-out, standards, internal training, and more. The logo is a reflection and reinforcement of the rebranding strategy. It comes down to what your brand is worth.

The Right Response

Criticism of a rebrand is just a fact of life. Ignoring it would be a mistake. But over-reacting would also be a mistake. Anticipate the criticism. Plan ahead. Be positive – not defensive. Prepare in advance.

  1. Keep staff and customers informed during the rebranding process. This can help manage expectations and pave the way for a successful rebrand launch.
  2. Introduce the rebrand with an explanation of the rationale.
  3. Post an FAQ on the website.
  4. Prepare responses to the most likely criticism and share them with staff so everyone is on the same page with what to say.
  5. Conduct staff brand launch training to ensure everyone understands what’s behind the rebrand.

Expect criticism and prepare for it.

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